Type Reference

The OpenElectricity client uses TypeScript to provide type safety and better developer experience. This page documents all the types used in the client.

Network Types


Represents the supported electricity networks:

type NetworkCode = "NEM" | "WEM" | "AU"
  • NEM: National Electricity Market (Eastern and Southern Australia)
  • WEM: Western Australian Electricity Market
  • AU: Australia-wide (defaults to NEM timezone)


Supported time intervals for data aggregation:

type DataInterval = "5m" | "1h" | "1d" | "7d" | "1M" | "3M" | "season" | "1y" | "fy"
  • 5m: 5-minute intervals
  • 1h: Hourly intervals
  • 1d: Daily intervals
  • 7d: Weekly intervals
  • 1M: Monthly intervals
  • 3M: Quarterly intervals
  • season: Seasonal intervalsanal
  • 1y: Yearly intervals
  • fy: Financial year intervals

Metric Types


Metrics available for network and facility data:

type DataMetric = "power" | "energy" | "emissions" | "market_value"
  • power: Instantaneous power output (MW)
  • energy: Energy generated (MWh)
  • emissions: CO2 equivalent emissions (tCO2e)
  • market_value: Market value ($)


Metrics available for market data:

type MarketMetric = "price" | "demand" | "demand_energy"
  • price: Market price ($/MWh)
  • demand: Instantaneous demand (MW)
  • demand_energy: Energy demand (MWh)

Grouping Types


Primary grouping options for data aggregation:

type DataPrimaryGrouping = "network" | "network_region"


Secondary grouping options for data aggregation:

type DataSecondaryGrouping =
  | "fueltech"
  | "fueltech_group"
  | "renewable"
  | "dispatch_type"

Parameter Types


Parameters for network data queries:

interface INetworkTimeSeriesParams {
  interval?: DataInterval
  dateStart?: string
  dateEnd?: string
  primaryGrouping?: DataPrimaryGrouping
  secondaryGrouping?: DataSecondaryGrouping


Parameters for facility data queries:

interface IFacilityTimeSeriesParams {
  interval?: DataInterval
  dateStart?: string
  dateEnd?: string


Parameters for market data queries:

interface IMarketTimeSeriesParams extends IFacilityTimeSeriesParams {
  primaryGrouping?: DataPrimaryGrouping


Parameters for facility queries:

interface IFacilityParams {
  status_id?: UnitStatusType[]
  fueltech_id?: UnitFueltechType[]
  network_id?: NetworkCode | NetworkCode[]
  network_region?: string

Response Types


Standard response type for time series data:

interface ITimeSeriesResponse {
  response: IAPIResponse<INetworkTimeSeries[]>
  datatable?: DataTable


Network time series data structure:

interface INetworkTimeSeries {
  network_code: string
  metric: Metric
  unit: string
  interval: DataInterval
  start: string
  end: string
  groupings: DataPrimaryGrouping[] | DataSecondaryGrouping[]
  results: ITimeSeriesResult[]
  network_timezone_offset: string


Facility information structure:

interface IFacility {
  code: string
  name: string
  network_id: string
  network_region: string
  description: string | null
  units: IUnit[]


Structure for facility data rows:

interface IFacilityDataRow {
  time: string
  value: number
  facility_code: string
  facility_name: string
  facility_network: string
  facility_region: string
  unit_code: string
  unit_fueltech: UnitFueltechType | null
  unit_status: UnitStatusType | null
  unit_capacity: number | null
  unit_emissions_factor: number | null
  unit_first_seen: string | null
  unit_last_seen: string | null
  unit_dispatch_type: UnitDispatchType

Data Analysis Types


Structure for data table rows:

interface IDataTableRow {
  interval: Date
  [key: string]: Date | string | number | boolean | null

Error Types


Custom error type for API errors:

class OpenElectricityError extends Error {
    message: string,
    public response?: IAPIErrorResponse


Error type for when no data matches the query (416 status):

class NoDataFound extends Error {
  constructor(message: string = "No data found")